Previously in My Life...

Welcome back. Glad you’re still here.
So here is the challenge. How to tell you what has brought me thus far without boring you with details. I want you to know though because they are important details in the story of how I finally emancipate myself. So I think for now I am going to make a list and maybe that list can guide what I explain further in the future. The good news is I don’t have to go back too far because the latest kindling that stoked the fire was only added about 4 months ago, although some of the things on my list are from about 9 months ago. Maybe it can go even further back. I don’t know. Let’s just see what happens, shall we?
1 – I have been freelance editing for one main “client” for a couple of years.
2 – I start seeing a life coach.
3 – I leave my beloved favorite job of all time because of lack of faith in the new owners.
4 – I get a new job and I hate the commute faster than I expected.
5 – I start seeing a therapist/life coach.
6 – My therapist wonders if I can figure out a target market for my editing business.
7 – I take a branding quiz.
8 – I research coach training programs and meet a dynamic life coach.
9 – I listen to coaching calls and meet Natisha Willis.
10 – I join a Coach Ya Damn Self challenge.
11 – I am asked to be a leader in the Coach Ya Damn Self challenge.
12 – I figure out my target market.
13 – I start building a website.
14 – I figure out a business name.
15 – I listened to Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
16 – I listened to You are a Badass by Jen Sincero and I decide to buy the book too.
17 – There is a pulmonary embolism and a subsequent change of thinking about weight loss (OK, so now we’re going back 7 years)
18 – There is talk about writing a book, which I actually started maybe 10 years ago.
19 – TueNight wants me to write an article about faith.
20 – Clothes, massages, and more
21 – About an editing certificate and getting in with my own people
22 – Savor the Success, Marie Forleo and a return to those who inspired me before
23 – ENFP and spiritual gifts
24 – Astrology and numerology
25 – Will I ever finish my Master’s?
26 – Don’t forget politics!
27 – Church and religion and God and giving God more room to exist
28 – My college-bound son
29 – My dynamic daughter
30 – Have you ever had a chart done? I have!
There you go. It’s not EVERY detail, but vital highlights that will recall other important stuff. So for now I will talk about today and we’ll come back to this list and check things off as I go. How’s that? This actually feels pretty organized to me. I like it. Let’s move on.