Call or Text: 203-209-7129
My name is Monica Dennis and I have a passion for writing and editing. I have had this urge for as long as I have been able to put pencil to paper, long before computers became a household staple. Writing allows me to clear my head of the constant whirlwind of thoughts and make space for clarity. Once I have clarity, I have direction. Not only is that a great feeling, it's something I realized I wanted to bring to others.
I founded On-Call Editing to help the non-writers, the new writers, the reluctant writers, even the experienced writers who recognize the importance of putting your best foot forward in a world where first impressions rarely get second chances. We partner with you to create and perfect a wide range of content, sharing resources to aid in your success because two is always better than one.
Who am I? I am a woman of varied experiences. I went to college first as an Interior Design major with English as my fallback degree. Sometime during sophomore year, I realized Interior Design was fun, but not what I wanted to do with my life. Trying to make other people’s ideas come to life visually wasn’t my strong suit. But shaping words to create pictures in your head? That I could do. Back to English I went.

Once I got on that path:
1 – I became editor of my college newspaper.
2 – I did a journalism internship at The Poynter Institute for people who did not graduate with Journalism degrees.
3 – I worked as a copy editor and eventually page designer at the Connecticut Post for over eight years with a glorious night schedule that was perfect for a night owl like me.
4 – I took a side day job at a clothing store and was eventually asked to be assistant manager for another store they were opening. But I already had a full-time job. I tried it anyway, then I let it go.
5 – I worked for over four years as a copy editor for a direct marketing company.
6 – I worked as Editorial Assistant, then Senior Editor, then Managing Editor for a multimedia diabetes education company where I was happily employed for about 11 years.
7 – I became Managing Editor for a healthcare publications company.
Amid all this wonderful publishing, writing, editing, and direct marketing experience, I also started a graduate degree in Religious Studies, primarily because I wanted to participate in a Clinical Pastoral Education program at Bridgeport Hospital and become a chaplain intern, meeting people in their hour of need or loss, using my spiritual gifts however and wherever I could to help.
I am an encourager, a helper, and a counselor (the very meaning of my name). I have the gifts of administration, organization, and teaching too, all of which I bring to the clients of On-Call Editing. My experience is also in entrepreneurship, not only as a part of a start-up for many years, but via my own customized jigsaw puzzle business that my business partner and I learned from scratch.
I even beta read for fan fiction writers!
On-Call Editing is open to those who have words that need finessing or just ideas that need coaxing and coaching. Student, business owner, budding author. Bring us your papers, your branding conundrums, your book drafts. Give us your tired clichés, your poor choice of words, your huddled thoughts yearning to breathe free! We are on call to help make you look good in writing.