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Ready to post? Itching to print? Finger looming over the send button? Before you do it, try us, a trusted alternative to Fiverr. Let us do a quick copy edit or proofread of that important content or document. It never hurts to have a fresh pair of eyes!


For: 1,000 words or less



  • Articles

  • Blog posts

  • Brochures

  • Business communications

  • Marketing material

  • Social media posts


Price: Up to $40 per item* with up to 24-hour turnaround from time of receipt


​*Price dependent upon length of content. We reserve the right to determine if your copy is indeed a Quick Edit before agreeing to edit. If your completed content is deemed too involved for fast turnaround, we will recommend our Standard Edit service.


What we do:

  • Look for typographical, grammatical, punctuation errors, and conforming to any predetermined style

  • Edit for clarity, sense, and consistency throughout document

  • Check links to see if they are working

  • Give impression as the reader/potential consumer


What our clients say: Check it out!

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